Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Every ego sees itself as the “star” of its story … his/story, her/story, our/story, my/story. Every ego considers itself the center of all that is important, and makes it choices from that self-reflective viewpoint. And, every ego keeps an unbalanced set of account books, tilted in its own favor.

At lower vibrational frequencies this is so paramount that there is no “other” – only “me”. As consciousness raises in vibration the ability to see outside of self and consider other people, the environment, humanity as a whole also grows and develops. Ironically, when the consciousness has been raised to the frequency of illumination, it realizes that there truly is no “other”. But, at this higher frequency it stems from the realization that all is “one”.

The self-referential narcissistic ego dominates the airwaves of the mind, selecting the thoughts that support and defend its existence, its perceptions and its importance. All opinions, indeed all beliefs, are born here.

Who “I” am, what “I” think and what “I” do are the most important things in the world to “me”. Even in relationships – one-on-one, family, business – everything reverts back to how it affects “me”. This is a natural effect of the human experience. It is, however, a huge roadblock on the pathway to higher consciousness.

So, what CAN be done to chip away at this blockage? Refrain from, (1) editorializing, reporting or giving opinions unless specifically requested and necessary for crucial decision making, (2) taking credit for doing good works or needing the limelight to show what you have done, and (3) using personal pronouns as much as possible.

Again, simple, but not easy.

Stop editorializing. Realize that every opinion is based upon perception, born from a selection process of the ego’s thoughts. These perceptions have their roots in childhood – family history and culture, geography of birth, schooling, religion, and other life experiences. Unless every opinion or belief has been carefully examined from the viewpoint of universal and divine truths, it is most probably a biased opinion, in place to safeguard the ego and its domain. And, unless one has reached at least a consciousness of unconditional love, it is a pretty safe bet that such an examination has not taken place. Therefore, realize that everything you think about anything is only a partial truth matching the vibration frequency of consciousness in place when the thought was first selected.

The process society calls “conversation” is merely the exchange of opinions, often escalating to one-upmanship. Such conversations can become heated and frequently result in defending one’s own positionality.

The serious spiritual aspirant will gain much insight into the workings of his mind and thought selection process by keeping quiet, observing and listening. It then becomes excruciatingly apparent how much of common discourse is center around “me and my story”. Of course, this is most easily observed in others, but once the presence of “me and my story” (seen as “you and your story” in others) is acknowledged, it then becomes easy to spot in one’s self.

As the prevalence of “me and my story” makes itself known, it may become embarrassing. There is no need for it to be so. It is the state of the collective consciousness at this time. However, this is not to be used as an excuse by the aspirant, but will be recognized as a limitation of consciousness to be released.

By being quiet and realizing no one appointed you as reporter of any and all things, by ceasing to express opinions, particularly when they are not solicited, the aspirant can break habit of the ego of making itself the center of the universe and holder of the “real” truth.

When genuinely asked for an opinion, for the purpose of serious decision making, it might be a good idea to preface the statement with an admission of the realization of bias, i.e. “Realize my opinions are based upon my personal perceptions and bias.”

The most difficult time to interfere with the reporting from the viewpoint of “me and my story” will occur when the ego feels threatened in any way. When the fight or flight mechanism is engaged, it is always to defend self. When embroiled in mental combat with another, either vocally or silently, try to see it is merely a struggle between “me and my story” and “you and your story”, each striving for supremacy. As soon as the realization takes place, one can disengage from the conflict and begin to examine the situation from a higher vibration, insuring a more peaceful outcome.

No where are opinions more volatile than on subjects of politics, religion and social mores. The serious spiritual aspirant can ill afford to take a stand on these or any other topics. What any one thinks or believes is a result of many factors and is inclusive in the vibration frequency of their consciousness. As consciousness changes, so too will opinions. Love and allowance are best practiced here.

Take no credit
There is an old saying, “God’s name is Anonymous”.

In the process of spiritual evolution there will come a time when the aspirant understands the meaning of the words, “It is not me by the Father within me that does all things.” It is blasphemy, however, to the ego.

Needing to brag, report, or show off about one’s achievement is the domain of the ego only. And it is never more so than with someone else is listing his achievements and accomplishments. The ego screams, “But look what “I” did!”
It doesn’t have to be Pulitzer Prize worthy. It can be as simple as getting the car washed or doing the laundry. What the ego wants credit for is not important. That it wants credit is.

As the aspirant lets himself become aware of this tendency, it can become amusing. But just noticing this phenomenon is not enough. The practice must be halted. All that is required is the realization that it is Spirit through you at work. To yourself say, “Thank you Spirit/God/Universe”. To others merely say, “Thanks” … and nothing more.

Personal Pronouns

One of the easiest ways to break the habit of “me and my story” is to cease using personal pronouns. Relinquish “I”, “me”, “me”, “mine”, and even “we” and “our”.

It can easily be seen how the use of personal pronouns perpetuates the ego’s position as center of all creation. More subtly, it can be seen how the ego then uses its position to separate from all the rest of creation.

If a car ceases to be “my” car and becomes instead” the” car, the charge of possessiveness is dispelled and the need to defend what is “mine” is lessened. One-upmanship of what “I’ have is no so easily entered into when “I” do not possess anything.

It is surprisingly easy to discourse without the use of personal pronouns. In fact, they can be done away with altogether. However, there are times when it becomes apparent the listener is not fully engaged and will not follow what is being said until the end of the sentence. Should such an occasion arise, feel free to use whatever language is necessary to make communication clear.

As the spiritual aspirant becomes more connected to All That Is, the word “I” takes on an altogether different meaning of oneness. It would appear that the bridge is not easily crossed, however, until the self disengaged from the personal identify of the ego and becomes reunited with the Self.

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